HMS Workshop: Data Workflows for Neuroscience Teams

updated 10/23/23

The Harvard School of Medicine hosted a Data Workflows for Neuroscience Teams workshop October 17–20, 2023.

Day 1, Oct 17th, featured sessions on collaborative neuroscience workflows, data management plans, and a coding session on building data pipelines. Dimitri Yatsenko led discussions on NIH requirements and code/data management.

Day 2, Oct 18th, included a coding session led by Milagros Marín on using DataJoint Elements to combine data modalities. There were also discussions on technical solutions, software architecture, and cloud computing, by Dimitri Yatsenko, Thinh Nguyen, and Milagros Marín.

Day 3, Oct 20th, focused on the Sabatini-lab data pipeline, with Thinh Nguyen and Janet Wallace exploring and visualizing data. This day also featured discussions and opportunities for social interactions.

The workshop provided valuable insights and collaborative opportunities for neuroscience teams to manage data and workflows effectively.


Dr. Janet Wallace, Sr. Scientist in the lab of Bernardo Sabatini, introduced the trainees to the lab’s extensive data pipeline.


Contact DataJoint:
Dimitri Yatsenko, CEO

About DataJoint

DataJoint creates software tools for operating neuroscience experiments. Over 100 neuroscience labs around the world trust DataJoint. DataJoint’s work is supported by BRAIN Initiative grants from the National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) to curate a library of open-source components (U24NS116470) and to commercialize a managed service for collecting, analyzing, and sharing neuroscience data (R44NS129492). DataJoint envisions a future of frictionless collaboration among teams of scientists, joining their efforts to reverse engineer the workings of the brain. For more, please follow us on our social channels.

The content of this article is solely the responsibility of the author(s) and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.


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